REAL TALK: Pride month coming to an end is bittersweet. I am indeed proud. Proud to be able to walk down the street hand in hand with my boo. Proud of the overwhelming support of so many in the straight community, who are allies and rally for LGBTQ+ rights and freedoms. Proud, simply, to be able to be me.

Pride month stings for so many. Those living among a religiously dominated conservative community who fear “coming out” would result in bullying, harassment, threats, and violence — some being disowned and thrown out of the house.

Pride can barely describe how I feel. I am beaming with it. But a part of me is sad about the intense discrimination faced by so many. So, let’s celebrate the hell out of this last week, but also take a moment from our festivities to think about all those for whom Pride is an inaccessible luxury. Let’s not give the haters a free pass! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


Coming Out Anniversary


I Knew She Was Meant for Me