Coming Out Coach

  • Surrender

    It’s time to get unstuck. Staying where you are is not sustainable anymore. It’s TIME! Your intuition is finally loud enough for you to hear it. Your soul won’t be ignored any longer!

    I’ve been there.

  • Heal

    You will be given everything I wish I had going through my transitions. I will teach you the tools I’ve spent years developing and practicing that have brought so much healing to my soul, and to so many others on this path. We get the root of your biggest blocks and uncover YOU!

  • Flourish

    No more survival mode. The is YOUR life. What better than to finally be living in alignment with your soul! To heal your wounds, be fully aware of your needs, to have skills to show up as your highest self. You WILL get there. Let me show you how.



What’s the difference between coaching and therapy?

Psychotherapy, therapy, or talk therapy is appropriate to diagnose and treat mental illness, heal relationship distress, and is generally longer-term than coaching.

Coaching is focused on improving a specific area of your life and primarily deals with present and future. Coaching requires client to be able to accept direct input and feedback to solve a specific problem, and be motivated to follow through by taking action. By scheduling a coaching session you agree that this is coaching and is not mental health therapy.

How long and when are sessions?

60-minutes, via ZOOM, scheduled weekly. I am flexible if a reschedule is necessary.

My best hours are weekdays from 9am-3pm PST

I can schedule nights and weekends upon request.

What do sessions look like?

We begin with a bit of breathwork to tune into our bodies and become grounded and focused. We follow up on what we’ve been working on. We dive in! We also end with a personally guided meditation and write down what our goals are for the next week.

How much does it cost?

$70 per session. WHAT A DEAL!