There is MORE for you

This 👆🏻did not just happen. It took WORK. Courage. Vulnerability. Resilience. Perseverance. Trust. Belief. Openness. Pain. Endless love and forgiveness of self and others.

And so it goes. We continue to fall and get up and fall and RISE. And you guys. It’s happening! The universe is responding and showing up when I do. I’m in awe of what life is showing me. A life I never dreamed possible. It’s messy and hard and exciting and heart breaking and so so beautiful.

I want this for you. For anyone out there feeling like you’re stuck. Feeling like other people can have that life, but not you. Telling yourself it won’t work, it’s too hard, you don’t know where to start. You don’t even know exactly what you want. I FEEL YOU. I’ve been there. For so many years I didn’t think it was possible for me. I still fall into that trap sometimes. But I’m here to tell you that I know YOU CAN. And if you’ve been noticing that little rumbling inside that there is MORE for you…

there is.




Coming Out Anniversary