Gratitude Meditation

Did you know the expression of gratitude increases neural modulation in the brain, in the prefrontal cortex, regulating negative emotions? It also activates dopamine, the neurotransmitter responsible for making us feel good. Gratitude literally helps me manage my anxiety so I can bounce back with hopefulness and a grounding force.

Gratitude Meditation:
Get settled into a comfortable position so you’re relaxed and alert. Bring awareness to the breath without trying to change it. Try counting the length of each inhale and exhale. Zero judgement. Only curiosity. Keeping your eye closed, send waves of gratitude to your body. Notice how you feel in your heart. Connect to a feeling of expansion in your chest, as you let yourself truly savor the full spectrum of your senses. Now let it go.

Check back in with your breath - sending another set of gratitude waves from the crown of your head down to your feet. Stay there. Think of ONE thing you’re grateful for. Keep a clear image of this in your mind. Feel into it. Allow gratitude to flow through every cell of your body until you become a vessel of warmth and light.

Take another deep breath, and connect to this moment. Open your eyes and look around you and offer your gratitude for everything in your presence that is holding space for you to be meditating right now.

Bring your hands to your heart in a prayer pose, and seal your meditation with love & devotion. Notice how you feel, and set the intention to bring this gratitude forward into your day. Sat Nam. 🙏🏼


This is what it should feel like when you come out

