Family Configurations

Growing up, I really didn’t know other family configurations could bring stability and fulfillment, besides a mom at home and a dad at work.

Here I am, 35, divorced with 3 little kids, cohabiting with my female fiancé and her 4 kids. Working closely with their dads, who both live 5 minutes away.

We often feel like “single moms” because there are SO many kids. One of us alone with the kids can’t last very long if we want to survive. 🤪

Sometimes I’m with Lena and all 7 kids, sometimes I’m just with my 3, sometimes I have a mix of them, sometimes Lena and I will take one of each and have a special night, sometimes it’s just Lena and I, and sometimes (rarely) I’m on my own!

Every configuration is beautiful and needed. I never imagined my life like this… and I feel so lucky! It’s definitely dynamic and I don’t really know what I’m doing, but I’m here for it.

How has your idea of what a family is “supposed” to look like changed since your faith transition?


My Heart Expanded a Thousand Times Over


One Year Engagement Anniversary