Spiritual Awakening

We are all searching for the same things. Perhaps we refer to them as something different, but the principles are universal. I would’ve never guessed I’d be discussing spirituality after religion, but here I am. My spiritual awakening didn’t happen over night and it is no where near over. It is a LONG process of deconditioning. Over and over again. This week, on Peace Out podcast, we’re digging into this lifelong discussion.

Also, did you know each one of our fingers is connected to a planet? Our hands are more than just functional, they’re an energy map of our consciousness and well-being. The middle finger isn’t limited to an expression of frustration and anger, it’s also related to the planet Saturn and the element of Ether. Just as Saturn is strong and stable, this finger is the one that holds everything together. It conveys a message of intelligence, power, and strength. 🙏🏼


Wise Woman


My Soul Always Knew