I’m sad today. There. I said it. “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me," is archaic.


No more “Love the Person, Hate the Sin” business.

Love the Person. Period. This is who I am inherently. Why all the hate? How is being gay still a divisive issue? I exhausted myself trying to “fit in.” Once I allowed myself to live the truest most authentic version of who I am, I realized I didn’t belong in those pews any longer. I have endless compassion and empathy for the LGBTQ+ youth in the church. YOU are loved. I see YOU. YOU are safe here. And might I add, in good company! 🤟🏼

*For context, a Mormon church leader spoke to students and faculty at BYU yesterday. Among one of the things he said, “Time to get out the muskets” in reference to defending marriage as a union between a man and a woman. As a former Mormon, served a full-time mission, married in the temple, my heart aches. His remarks hit deeply. Enough with this rhetoric. It’s time to build bridges of LOVE! 🙏🏼


True Desire

